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  • Reading time:11 mins read

1. Read Aloud – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories June 2024

Child Psychology – PTE Read Aloud

– 3 June 2024 

Within this free course, you will be introduced briefly to the discipline of child psychology and to theories and approaches that have been developed to help us understand and support children’s lives by focusing on the individual children. Psychologists can assess changes in their child’s abilities over time, including their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Political Problems – PTE Read Aloud

– 13 June 2024 

The course considers the ways in which thinkers have responded to the particular political problems of their day and the ways in which they contribute to a broader conversation about human goods and needs, justice, democracy, and the proper relationship of the individual to the state.

Statistics – PTE Read Aloud

– 10 June 2024 

Statistics are indicators of change and allow meaningful comparisons to be made. While it may be the issues rather than the statistics as such that grab people’s attention, it should be recognized that it is the statistics that informed the issues. Statistical literacy, then, is the ability to accurately understand, interpret and evaluate the data that inform these issues.

William Shakespeare – PTE Read Aloud

– 12 June 2024 

Three hundred and eighty years after his death, William Shakespeare remains the central author of the English-speaking world; he is the most quoted poet and the most regularly produced playwright — and now among the most popular screenwriters as well. Why is that, and who “is” he? Why do so many people think his writing is so great? What meanings did his plays have in his own time, and how do we read, speak, or listen to his words now?

Attendance – PTE Read Aloud

– 7 June 2024 

To some extent, attendance at cultural venues and events is influenced by a person’s age and the composition of the household in which they live. For example, those people in households with dependent children were more likely to visit zoological parks and aquariums than people living in single person households.

Attendance – PTE Read Aloud

– 4 June 2024 

Your body is nearly two-thirds water. And so it is really important that you consume enough fluid to stay hydrated and healthy. If you don’t get enough fluid you may feel tired, get headaches, and not perform at your best.


2. Describe Image – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories June 2024

Pet Ownership (6 June 2024) – PTE Describe Image

Sakura (1 June 2024) – PTE Describe Image

Floor Plan (3 June 2024) – PTE Describe Image



3. Summarize Spoken Text – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories June 2024

Industrial Revolution (10 June 2024) – PTE Summarize Written Text

I want today to talk about the industrial revolution from a variety of, of aspects. I put everything on the board, I put on our website, so don’t worry about copying it down. And it’s all pretty, pretty obvious doing the industrial revolution across this century is no easy task. But we will do it and do the reading. Let me just say that to the way people look at what used to be called the industrial revolution and I guess some people still call it that has changed dramatically through the 1950s and into the 1960s, the idea of the industrial revolution was that it was the work of some genius inventors who created mechanism machines in the used primarily in the textile industry, but also in mining that eliminated blocks to assembly line production. And then everybody was crowded into factories and the new brave world opened up. In fact, one of the most interesting books and so great classics is still in print was written by an economic historian at Harvard, who’s still around called David Landis, a good book called the unbound Prometheus, which was basically that and some of the inventions that II briefly describe in your reading, the spinning Jenny, et cetera. I refer to that. And then that kind of analysis LED one to concentrate on England where the industrial revolution began and to view and to view industrialization as being a situation of, of so winners and losers are not going as fast. In your reading, I give you some pretty obvious examples of reasons for the industrial revolution first coming to England location of resources, particularly coal a country, which is nowhere that’s 75% more than 75 miles away from the sea, precocious canals and roads, banking system, fluid fluidity between classes and very large, an increasingly larger proletariat, agricultural revolution, etcetera. And with that kind of analysis, those places that didn’t industrial as fast, industrializes fast, for example, France one thought that they were quote unquote, retarded a word that was used, unfortunately, at that time. And then one tried to see why not. Now that analysis has been really rejected greatly over the past years because industrial revolution is measured by more than simply large factories with industrial workers and the number of machines and the more and this is the point of the beginning of this, the more that we look at the industrial revolution, the more that we see that the industrial revolution was first and foremost an intensification of forms, of production, of kinds of production that were already there. Thus we spend more time looking at the intensification of artisanal production, craft production of domestic industry, which we’ve already mentioned that is people, mostly women, but also men and children too working in the countryside.

Sample Answer:

The lecture talks about industrial revolution, which was the work of inventors who created mechanism machines in the textile industry, and that eliminated blocks to assembly line production in mining. Furthermore, everybody was crowded into factories, so winners and losers are not going as fast. Therefore, we should looking at not only the intensification of artisanal production, but also people, mostly women, men and children working in the countryside. (69 words)


4. Summarize Written Text – PTE Test Recent Exam Memories June 2024

Difference in Intelligence (3 June 2024) – PTE Summarize Spoken Text

People differ greatly in all aspects of what is casually known as intelligence. The differences are apparent not only in school, from kindergarten to college, but also in the most ordinary circumstances: in the words people use and comprehend, in their differing abilities to read a map or follow directions, or in their capacities for remembering telephone numbers or figuring change. The variations in these specific skills are so common that they are often taken for granted. Yet what makes people so different? It would be reasonable to think that the environment is the source of differences in cognitive skills — that we are what we learn. It is clear, for example, that human beings are not born with a full vocabulary; they have to learn words. Hence, learning must be the mechanism by which differences in vocabulary arise among individuals. And differences in experience — say, in the extent to which parents model and encourage vocabulary skills or in the quality of language training provided by schools — must be responsible for individual differences in learning. Earlier in this century, psychology was in fact dominated by environmental explanations for variance in cognitive abilities. More recently, however, most psychologists have begun to embrace a more balanced view: one in which nature and nurture interact in cognitive development. During the past few decades, studies in genetics have pointed to a substantial role for heredity in molding the components of intellect, and researchers have even begun to track down the genes involved in cognitive function. These findings do not refute the notion that environmental factors shape the learning process. Instead they suggest that differences in people’s genes affect how easily they learn.

Sample Answer: 

People differ greatly in all aspects of what is casually known as intelligence, and that psychology was dominated by environmental explanations for variance in cognitive abilities, but recently researchers suggest that differences in people’s genes affect how easily they learn.(40 words)

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